Top 3 Photography Locations in Santander

After spending one year in Santander, the northern coast of Spain has grown to be one of my favorite areas to photograph. Each time I visit I drive along the coast and occasionally into the mountains or forests. However, even though most locations are reachable within a few hours driving, Santander have many locations waiting to be photographed. Here's my top 3 photography locations in Santander.

3. Peninsula de la Magdalena

The Peninsula of Magdalena might be most known for it's majestic palace and adorable penguins but it's also home to a good variation of photographic opportunities. Not only are the penguins (and other animals) and the palace great subjects to photograph but there's also some hidden gems for us landscape photographers. 

Personally, I tend to spend most time around the Faro de la Cerda. This lighthouse is not nearly as much photographed as Cabo de Faro Mayor or Isla de Mouro. 

I find this location to be most interesting when it's high tide and preferably some waves crashing onto the cliffs beneath the lighthouse. 

It's not only Faro de la Cerda that is photogenic at this small peninsula though. If you walk towards the edge of Bikini Beach there's some great opportunities for seascapes. Both during high and low tide. 


2. Cabo de Faro Mayor

It's become a tradition to capture at least one sunrise at Cabo de Faro Mayor. Since it's only a 5-10 minute drive from where I normally stay in Santander it's one of the easiest and quickest places to visit.

During the last years I've developed a love-hate relationship to this location. Even though I've been there countless times, the weather has normally given me a hard time here. Actually, it wasn't until my last visit that I finally got a image that I was satisfied with. At last that conditions where good and I had a small window of great color and a good variation in weather. 

To get the best images I recommend walking past the lighthouse and explore along the cliffs. Be aware walking too close to the cliffs, though, as it's been many incidents with people falling, or jumping, into the rough waves. 

While this location is best for sunrise you might be able to get some good results during sunset too, if you go to the opposite side. 

If you have the time you should spend some hours exploring this area. It might be slightly limited in compositions but it's a beautiful area to walk around and perhaps even do a picnic!


1. Costa Quebrada

If you've ever visited northern Spain before you might have heard about Costa Quebrada or Liencres. This area is located in the outskirts of Santander (roughly 15 minutes driving) and has become my favorite area to photograph here.


Just like Faro de Cabo Mayor, visiting Costa Quebrada has become a tradition. In fact, I tend to always take my first sunset of the trip at this place. More specifically, I normally go to Los Urros or La Arnia to begin with. Even though I have been here many times and have a collection of good images from here I always enjoy exploring the area for new compositions and possibilities. I'm surprised that I still find them (even though it involves pushing myself further and further towards the rough waves)..


The Liencres area is good for both sunrise and sunset as it's impressive cliffs and dramatic seascape is in both edges of the beach.

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