
Are All Beautiful Landscapes Photogenic?

Are All Beautiful Landscapes Photogenic?

As I love exploring, I often find myself enjoying beautiful scenery. Sometimes it's close to home, other times it's on the other side of the globe. My camera is always packed and ready for use, but I don't always take it out of the back. Why? Just as with people, every place is unique. Just as with people, not all places look as beautiful on an image as they are in reality.

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Exploring Gygrestolen

Exploring Gygrestolen

A couple weeks ago, a friend and myself decided to go photograph a rather unique mountain in our "local" area. We had been there the week before to do some scouting, exploring different angles and figuring out the angles of the sun. Since we were aiming to shoot both sunset and sunrise, we chose to camp up in the mountain rather than taking the steep hike in the middle of the night. 

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Teaming Up with Norway Travel Guide

Teaming Up with Norway Travel Guide

A while back I was contacted by the team of Norway Travel Guide to become a part of their blogger team. With the same owners as Guide to Iceland, Iceland's most popular travel guide, Norway Travel Guide aim to inform tourists that are planning a visit to Norway. 

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Cloudland Canyon Waterfalls and Scenic View

Cloudland Canyon Waterfalls and Scenic View

Cloudland Canyon was one of those places I stumbled across coincidentally while doing research for my trip, and was also mentioned to me a couple times after this. I wasn't sure it would be the most spectacular place for sunset, especially since I now was spoiled with the beauty of the Smoky Mountains. However I had read about a waterfall hike, and the images I saw convinced me that this was worth the drive alone. I should probably mention that it wasn't a bad spot for sunset after all.

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A Study of the South: Great Smoky Mountains

A Study of the South: Great Smoky Mountains

It's very rare that I aim to get a "classic shot" that has been taken thousands of times before me. I prefer to explore a place and try to show what I see, without copying what has been done before me. This time it was different. I have always loved those sunrises or sunsets of Smoky Mountains where you get layer upon layer, and ideally some nice light in between them too.

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Washington DC Cherry Blossom

Washington DC Cherry Blossom

As some of you may know, my parents have been living in Alexandria, right outside Washington DC, the last 3 and a half years. Every year since they moved, I've wanted to visit during the Cherry Blossom. Every year I've been unable to travel within that timeframe. This year I was finally able to go and experience the beauty of the blossom.

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My Top 3 Favorite Beaches in Asturias

My Top 3 Favorite Beaches in Asturias

Those of you who know me or have been following my work for a while, may know that after living a year in northern Spain, more specific Santander, Cantabria, I have fallen in love with the Spanish coast. Not only because it's summers are significantly warmer then back home in Norway, or the selection of sandy beaches, but also because of it's moody weather, dramatic cliffs and rocky beaches. Here are my top 3 favorite beaches from Asturias and some pictures from them!

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Revisiting the beach of Pendueles

Revisiting the beach of Pendueles

One of the locations I was most eager to revisit during my last trip to Spain was the beach of Pendueles located in Asturias. I've been here once before and I fell in love straight away. During my first visit I was treated with some beautiful grey colors.. so this time I was hoping for a little more exciting sunset.

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